четвъртък, 8 октомври 2009 г.


What do you consider to be the greatest problem facing the world today and what can be done about it?

Nadya Garneva

During my stay at the Times newspaper, I faced up to different aspects of life, which interest people today – from politics and the world peace to the last born baby in Brad Pit and Angelina Joly’s family. It was a great experience inn finding what’s important for people.

It appears that everyone today is on the rush of solving their own, personal problems. That’s why I think what concerns our present the most are the global problems, just because they’re not in the people’s priority list. Still, they remain crucial. I, without hesitation, put the ecological issue first in the world’s greatest problems. It is something everyone of us should be engaged with.

Some of the changes in the ecology are irreversible; others wait to receive our attention. I know that much organization deal with these kinds of matters today. However, truth is unless every person is involved in protecting the environment, nothing can be altered. It is the consciousness of people that must be changed at first. Leave the inner selfishness, quit making higher profit for yourrself and start be environmentally friendly!

Concluding, only when we realize that together can be strong, all the world’s nations, that is when mankind will stop threatening its own existence. I know it is hard, but at least we can try. And let’s begin with saving our Planet.


They are not guilty!
Nadya Garneva

One of the greatest problems that the world of 21st century faces is the decay of the moral values. Easy access to all types of information and freedom with little restrictions influence the adolescents, this part of the society, who is the most vulnerable. As a result, there is an increase in the crimes among youngsters. What has changed and which are the reasons?

Although it is really pity, newspapers are full of actions of little offenders. The range varies – vandalism, graffiti, shoplifting, drug and alcohol abuse and the worst – murder. There is no doubt that nobody was born a criminal. So, what makes these young people break the law? Many people like to blame the mass Medias which produce loads of blood scenes arousing aggression, or the violent computer games. Is this true or not, I leave on your judgment. Nevertheless, truth remains; something provokes or let the youth become miscreants.

However, the most important issue to consider here is how the community can cope with this problem. More restrictions, harder punishments? Where is the balance when having to deal with kids and what is the right deterrent? Sometimes, these children only want to attract attention as they feel lonely in this fast world. Should we impose their parents with a fine or find a psychologist to solve the inner problem? Is the community service enough for them to realize they have done wrong?

The society is only on the half way of protecting our children from evil. First, we have to find the real reasons and then to make the suitable approach to these confused souls. They are not guilty; it’s the world they were born in.


Vicy Popova
The young criminalists

Being a teenager I’m sick and tired of turning on the T.V. and seeing how people at my age commit a crime. There are some not so big crimes, like shop lifting and vandalism, for example, but in my opinion desperate actions ask for desperate measures.

Some years ago, newspapers and T.V. programs in Bulgaria bursted in reports about how two teenage girls fought with their best friend for a boy. Nothing unusual, you’ll say. No. Until here the scene is definitely nothing that you haven’t heard of before. Well, you might get interested then, when hearing how the two girls coped with the situation. They cut their friend to pieces and put her in the refrigerator. Yes, that’s right! That was what they did. If you ask for my opinion, I consider the two murderers as absent-minded. So, for such crimes, I think, only prison is the answer.

Of course, there are other teenagers, who commit crimes only because they are desperate. Such crimes are shoplifting or stealing somebody’s perce on the street. It is only because they can’t afford buying an object they want a lot. However, these actions are considered as crime, so a publish-useful labor will help, in my opinion. Another crime that can be grounded in the same way is the vandalism. For those teenagers painting some walls cleaning the streets will be enough indignity not to commit the same crime again.

For final, I just want to mention that the young criminalists may come from every family, so do not think “My children can not do that!” and pay enough attention to them. This might be of a great use.

събота, 4 юли 2009 г.

ARTICLE: African Adventure

Iva Naumova

As a very busy woman with a white-collar job, I had the burning desire to go on a holiday away from it all. There were many places that sprang into my mind, but after all, I zeroed in on one particular.

Dakar was the place I had always fantasized about, so when I suggested to my husband we go there for our summer holiday, he immediately approved the idea.

Just three weeks later, there we were – in Dakar, Senegal. Our hotel was in a beautiful position amid tropical trees and just in front of us was the marvelous sea. The surrounding nature was breathtakingly beautiful and although in the days the sun was relentless, the nights were perfect for going for a wander along the entire length of the beach or exploring the wildlife.

For the two weeks spent in Africa, my husband and I had high-octane adventures. Since he had a flair for exploring unknown places, we once decided to get deep in the alluring rainforest, but we suddenly found ourselves teetering on the edge of being attacked by an unfamiliar animal. Despite the fact that it set my pulse racing, I think this experience was the craze in our journey.

Apart from it, we took part in a funding event, which contributed to the cause of helping malnourished children from the Third World. Many African singers put in an appearance in the concert venue, which was great fun.

Now, having recharged my batteries, I am ready for more days of hard work. Come what may, I am determined to leave the bulk of the domestic work and have a go to Dark as soon as the next holiday comes.

петък, 3 юли 2009 г.

ARTICLE: A Holiday to Island

A Holiday to Iceland
Ivan Cherganski

Have you ever been to Iceland? If not you definitely should, as it is one magnificent country. I reluctantly visited it with my friends last May but came back rather surprised by what I saw.
Iceland is not only closer than you think, but far different than you ever imagined.Where else can you witness such marvels of Mother Nature as a tremendous icecap and several glaciers, spouting geysers and steaming solfataras, volcanoes, raging rivers and magnificent waterfalls, a multitude of birds, cavorting whales just offshore and many other surprises. All those things combined with the breathtaking landscape of the island contribute for an incredible experience.
We went to see an actual dormant volcano. It was enormous and had smoke coming out of the crater. It was so huge that it made us feel like tiny ants standing beneath it. It looked as if it was just about to erupt. The terrain around a volcano isn’t exactly what one would call beautiful. The ground was covered by sharp edgy rocks which could theар right trough out clothes. That’s what our guide told us. We had to walk trough it very carefully because there were places where the ground was practically melting so our guide had to step very carefully while leading us. His shoe actually caught fire ones.
On the next day we traveled home and told our families about what had happened. And all in all I have to say that given the opportunity I’d go there again. Next time I’ll try not to drop the camera on the rough terrain.

ARTICLE; A LifetimeExperience

A Lifetime experience
Nadya Garneva

It’s no secret I have been to many holidays since now. However, the most remarkable and unforgettable remains to be one of them – that to the gorgeous Seven Rila Lakes. If the world has 8 wonder, Bulgaria has 7 and they are the 7 truthful eyes of the outstanding mountain Rila.
To be honest, our journey wasn’t planned in advance, it started abruptly. It was in the end of July, 2005, when my family decided, out of the blue, to follow friends of ours up to the glamorous embrace of Rila. I did not expect much having this holiday was interfering in my plans for the summer. Now, I couldn’t be more grateful we had this experience.

On the day of our arrival the sky was cloudless blue and I couldn’t help myself feeling alive breathing that fresh air 2000 meters above the filthy city atmosphere. To the hut of Seven Rila Lakes we traveled by a massive jeep, created to move in mountain lands. This was the funniest part of the trip as we were feeling like riding the horrifying train – killer, but instead of being scared we were laughing and joking how every moment we could fall. After that, climbing up on foot was hard, but satisfactory. These lakes and the stunning surrounding nature made me feel proud of what kind of wealth my country has. I felt sorry for those, who had not seen this amazing beauty.

I know we are often so intent on keeping to our schedule that we forget the simple natural gifts. I strongly recommend all of you, find time and see what incredible wonders our Earth has on offer. You won’t regret it!

сряда, 24 юни 2009 г.

ESSAY: For and against conputer games

Mariy Kuleva

Video game addiction is without a doubt becoming this century's most increasingly worrisome epidemic, comparable even to drug and alcohol abuse. All the while, the video game industry continues to market and promote hatred, racism, sexism, and the most disturbing trend: clans and guilds, an underground video game phenomenon which closely resembles gangs.
The majority of young people play games up to 3 to 4 hours a day. The greatest problem that comes in their way is the ability to distinguish what is real and what is not. Moreover, children are becoming more aggressive and violent, even some of them believe that violence is the only way to solve their problems. Some of the games may lead to a long term depression and sadness. They can also take over children’s live, making them forget their duties and become isolated from their friends and family.
Although, that most of the young people comment that this I s way to relax and have fun with friends, they do not realize that this also harms them, one way or another. When playing games children eat junk food which damages their stomach. Furthermore, they become lazier and they gain a lot of kilograms, which nowadays is often seen.
To sum up, if they play games more sensibly and they do not allow games to obsess their mind and actions, I feel that they can benefit young people rather than harming them.

ESSAY: For and against conputer games

Iva Naumova

Nowadays computer and video games are very common among children and teenagers. However, there are endless debates in our society about whether games are harmless for young people or they have disastrous effect on them.

As far as I can see, people who are ‘for’ video games have two main arguments. Firstly, they claim that computer games are similar in nature to normal games, mainly because of their purpose, which is to entertain. As a matter of fact, computers are said to be the best source of enjoyment for teenagers today. Apart from being entertaining, playing games is a good way for young people to come to terms with life. In their games children always play the role of somebody they cannot be in their day-to-day life.

Personally, I am not in favour of any the statements mentioned above. To begin with, most children are unable to distinguish real form virtual world. Consequently, in real life they do the same things as in games, which usually includes aggressive behavior. Another matter that worries parents is the alarming number of hours spent in front of the monitor. Many young people play computer and video games for more than two hours daily, which leads not only to poor results at school, but to physical unfitness and long term depression, too.

After a long consideration, I consider that virtual games have more negative than positive aspects. All in all, learning new skills in the content of reality is a much better option than being thought by a computer.